About the Journal
BUMJ is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Babcock Medical Society that provides rapid publication of peer-reviewed new health research findings in all the specialities of health sciences, basic medical sciences, basic clinical sciences, and clinical sciences with a strong emphasis on community and public health. We are keen on disseminating evidence-based pragmatic insights into health issues in Africa.
The journal seeks to publish original manuscripts of new health research findings, review articles, and commentaries on topical issues. Brief reports, case reports, and letters to the editor will also be considered.
All articles published in BUMJ are made freely and perpetually available online upon publication. Authors of articles published in the journal hold the copyright to their articles and grant to any third party the right to use, reproduce, and disseminate the articles following global best practices. All published articles can be accessed at https://bumj.babcock.edu.ng
BUMJ (print copy) was initially published quarterly in March, June, September, and December in the first three years of its existence. However, since January 2020, it has been published bi-annually in June and December. However, accepted manuscripts are published immediately online, ahead of print. The print copy attracts a subscription fee of 10,000 Naira per annum or 6,500 Naira per issue or U.S. Dollars equivalents.
Print: 2465-6666
Online: 2756-4657
If accepted, each manuscript published will attract a processing fee of $200 for international lead authors or 125,000 Naira for Nigerian lead authors. This is necessary since the journal does not receive external funding, and all published articles are made publicly available for free. Payments are made through direct deposits into the Journal accounts, which are provided upon acceptance.
BUMJ's editorial board complies strictly with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) -http://www.icmje.org/, and the Joint Statement by DOAJ/COPE/OASPA/WAME. All submissions to the Journal are based on the understanding and commitment that such is not being submitted, under processing, or already accepted by any other Journal. Also, no substantial portion of the data that forms the basis of the submission should have been previously published.
Peer review is the process used to evaluate manuscripts before they are published. Independent reviewers in the relevant disciplines appraise all submitted manuscripts for authenticity, soundness, and significance to help the Editors ascertain the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the journal.
All submissions will first undergo a mandatory editorial assessment that will form the basis for the decision to subject manuscripts to further peer review or immediate rejection. Manuscripts that successfully scale this initial check will undergo a double-blind peer review by at least two theme experts. Their counsel will guide editorial decisions. The editorial decision would be to accept, reject or request a review. The BUMJ would usually provide an editorial decision to authors within seven weeks of complete submission. Authors who do not receive a decision within this period should seek clarification from the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal expects authors to respond to reviewers' comments within four weeks of receiving them. Revised manuscripts may either be reviewed in-house or subjected to another round of peer review, depending on the extent of the reviews required.
It is within the rights of the Journal's editorial board to edit the accepted manuscript to meet its style and language. The Journal is published both in print and online.
The Journal maintains an absolute ZERO tolerance for data and submission duplication, data falsification, and fabrication, and the editorial board will act according to international best practices (as highlighted by the ICJME) to curb such misdemeanours. Likewise, we stand against plagiarism in all of its forms. All submissions are subjected to scrutiny using the Turnitin software. Authors who engage in academic fraud will be blacklisted and reported to their institutions, while their manuscripts will be rejected or retracted, as the case may be.
Authors who wish to contest a rejection or make a complaint should write a detailed email to the editor at bumj@babcock.edu.ng, attaching all relevant documentation. All complaints will be properly investigated and will receive a decision within a reasonable period. The Editor's decision is final.
The articles published in BUMJ are included in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, AJOL, Crossref, African Index Medicus, DOAJ, JGate, ScienceOpen, and Scilit.
The BUMJ COI policy aligns with those elucidated by the ICMJE. Conflicts of interest are not uncommon and may sometimes be unavoidable. COI are secondary interests (e.g. personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial) that may influence judgments on a primary decision, in this case, what is published. Financial conflict of interest may arise from employers, funders, sponsors, shareholders, or in situations like consultancies and payments for services.
The journal opines that all possible COIs should be detected and disclosed. While in extreme cases, COI may lead to refusal to publish manuscripts; most cases of COI of interest are manageable. The journal will manage COI in the following ways;
- The author's COI
The Journal requests authors to declare all possible COI in writing based on the Authors' guidelines.
Competing interests: Authors must declare all financial and non-financial competing interests. Kindly use author initials to describe each author. If the authors do not have any competing interests, please state that "The authors declare that they have no competing interests" in this section.
- The reviewer's COI
The Journal editors will work hard to eliminate potential COI while selecting reviewers. Within the limits of reason, the authors' requests to exclude specified reviewers will be honoured. All potential reviewers must disclose COI before accepting to undertake reviews and whenever they identify any COI. They should decline to participate or ask to be recused from further participation when it becomes appropriate. Conflicts of interest would include but are not limited to,
- Co-authorship with any of the authors in the preceding three years
- D. supervisor or supervisee
- Personal relationship
- Professional/personal compensation for the review
- Financial interest
- The editorial Board Member COI
Editorial Board members' submissions receive the same treatment as other similar manuscripts. A different Editor or a Guest Editor will be appointed to oversee the review process.
- The editor's COI
From January 2020, the serving editors cannot make submissions to the Journal. Editors will recuse themselves from editorial decisions when they have COI. If in doubt, Editors should discuss it with the Editor-in-Chief, who will arbitrate accordingly.
The Babcock University Medical Journal does not accept any form of advertising for products and services.
The journal archives all its online manuscripts in LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems, using the Open Journal System (OJS). Also, all the online articles are assigned Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and registered with CrossRef to ensure perpetual access.
The journal permits the authors to deposit all versions (including submitted, accepted, and published) of their articles in institutional and other repositories of their choice without an embargo.
All materials published in the Babcock University Medical Journal (BUMJ) are protected by the Copyrights Laws of Nigeria. The Authors reserve the copyright of their published articles but give all users (Authors, Readers, and Researchers) free access to all materials published online under the provisions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License. However, permissions are granted to copy, use, and distribute the contents only for non-commercial but academic and scientific purposes with the proviso that the source of the content is appropriately cited and credited.
The contents of the journal reflect the opinion of the authors and not necessarily that of the BUMJ, Babcock Medical Society, Babcock University Teaching Hospital, and the Benjamin Carson (Senior) College of Health and Medical Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria. The BUMJ and its editorial team will neither be liable nor take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or validity of the contents.